Weisbrod Matteis & Copley (WMC)
Washington, DC

Meany & Oliver has been WMC’s real estate advisor and broker since its inception. Since opening its first office in Washington, DC. WMC has grown several times, and Meany & Oliver has provided advice and representation in each instance. Our extensive market knowledge has enabled WMC to take advantage of below market lease opportunities allowing WMC to maintain tight control over its real estate costs. Most recently, WMC believed that it would expand and renegotiate its existing lease; however, the assignment evolved into the development of a strategic plan and broader search for space. Meany & Oliver was able to find WMC much higher quality space with significantly more favorable economics.
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
Triangle, VA

Meany & Oliver represented UMWA in the relocation of its headquarters from Merrifield, VA to Triangle, VA. Negotiating on UMWA’s behalf, Meany & Oliver was able to reduce annual occupancy costs by over 22%, obtain a tenant improvement allowance sufficient to cover all construction related costs and secure enough free rent to help offset the 18 months of remaining lease liability at its Merrifield location. By moving, UMWA was able to significantly reduce commute times for the majority of its workforce improving employee morale and productivity.
Abbott Laboratories/Abbvie
Washington, DC

Meany & Oliver originally represented Abbott in its search for a location for its Washington, DC office. Subsequent to the completion of the original lease, Abbott spun off Abbvie into a separate company creating a need for more space. Thus, the challenge was to determine whether expanding at Abbott’s existing location or relocating to another building was best for Abbvie. After a broad search of the market, negotiating multiple letters of intent and working with Abbvie to clarify its needs, Abbvie determined that it was able to obtain its goals by expanding in Abbott’s existing location. Meany & Oliver was able to obtain a very competitive lease rate and concessions from Abbott’s existing landlord after working within the market to obtain competitive offers allowing us to negotiate a very favorable lease for Abbvie. The Abbott lease was restructured and a portion of the lease was terminated to allow for Abbvie’s new lease.